Scientific Dualism

The (potential) confirmation of the reincarnation and the idealistic interpretation of the quantum uncertainty could form the basis for a new, scientifically provable dualistic world view. This would accept (and even justify) the presence of mental principles behind the physical domain, and would look at the humans as primarily spiritual beings attached to a physical body during the diurnal periods of their earthly lives. It would recognize the sense of the individual human existence in the continuous development from the level of the animals to that of the gods during series of worldly lives, (mainly) with the help of the contemplation and intellectual reflection over the experiences and impressions collected in the successive incarnations. The purpose of the civilization and the society would (almost exclusively) be the support of these individual development processes, firstly by ensuring sufficiently rich life contents (e.g. through enabling a dilettantish and amateurish life and work style), and secondly by providing the opportunities and capabilities needed to analyze these experiences mentally in a fruitful manner, and to transform them successfully into personal and perpetual wisdom.

A significant advantage of a scientifically provable and continuously improvable dualistic world view would be the possibility to eliminate finally the various religions from the human civilization, and to invalidate any further efforts for reviving and restoring them. The great and most important questions of the mankind would eventually be answered by the science, with scientific methods and accuracy, and there will be no need (and chance) to search for the explanations anywhere else, than in the sphere of the intelligence and reason. Such success of the science could decrease considerably in a short time the hatred and intolerance in the world, for several reasons: 1. the religions and their (not really tolerant) teachings would lose their relevance almost immediately; 2. we would have a scientific method to answer the essential questions, which could be accepted by anyone in the world (with at least a minimum amount of common sense); 3. we would understand more completely and deeply the nature of the intolerance and ignorance; 4. through the (presumable) immense development of the psychology we would possess much more sophisticated methods to manage these personal mental deficiencies, and to guide these (as yet) ignorant persons to a higher level of understanding and intelligence.

Nationalism and other types of chauvinism could also be invalidated with the help of the scientific dualism, since it would be clear that the groups we are born into (nation, language, color, (sub)culture, etc.) play only an ephemeral part in our existence, and they can be changed or switched even from life to life (with the exception of the gender, which is most certainly constant through the various incarnations). Additionally, the large problems ahead of the mankind could also be handled more efficiently using the (potential) discoveries of the scientific dualism: e.g., the present generations could not hope to escape the consequences of the global warming anymore (since in their next lives they will have to face the aftermath); or the vanishing of the fear from the death (and of the irrational joy over the birth of children) could aid to manage the problem of the overpopulation; or the refocusing of our attentions and life aims from the earthly matters to the intellectual and spiritual dimensions could immensely help reduce the inequality in the world and diminish the disadvantageous effects of an excessive economical production.

The findings of the scientific dualism could also have a positive impact on the relations of the children and the adults, since it would become clear that being a child is only a temporary stage between two adult existences, and that a newborn has already his/her own personality formed by the previous incarnations. This discovery could significantly temper the (not really reasonable) admiration for the children observable in the Western societies today (presumably originating in a Jewish-Protestant materialism and infantilism), and could help revive the much healthier child-adult relationship of the traditional cultures, where the juveniles are also treated as (smaller sized) grownups. The parents' affection for "their own" children would reveal itself as a not justifiable irrationality, since it would be shown evidently by the science, that only the physique and the genomes of the infants are derived from that of the parents (while their spirits are completely independent and autonomous), and barely the constraints of the natural biological reproduction necessitate for the creation of a new body the usage of two existing ones. Consequently, the children could get back the opportunity from the society to live and spend their times together with all the adults (not only with "their" parents) all day long (not only in the evenings), and to learn their professions and acquire their knowledge through the medium of playing and imitating (as it is the case in the traditional cultures), instead of suffering for decades from the unscientific and inhuman "teaching" methods of the organized school system, which treats the children as if they had no own personality, and their soul were tabula rasa and completely formable by authoritarian and tyrannical means.

The discoveries of the scientific dualism could also affect considerably the woman-man relationship and the way we think about the gender and its role in the society. It could turn out that everybody has an own mate (of the opposite sex) with an exactly reversed basic personality structure, and that these two halves match each other perfectly by making the pair a complete whole (in a psychological and not (necessarily) a romantic sense). It could also become clear that the innerly followed gender roles are (similarly to the other types of inclinations) predominantly the reminiscences and resurrections of the earlier lives' (meanwhile internalized) habits and customs, and that there are much larger differences among the individual behaviors and characteristics within one sex than between the averages of the two sexes. As the only relevant difference between the females and males with an inherent nature (i.e. not resulting from cultural and social origin) would (most likely) be recognized the distinctive, much closer position of the males to the spiritual beings (or gods) behind the physical world, which makes them significantly more (or rather exclusively) capable of receiving and earning divine inspirations, while keeping the women completely out of this supernatural circle, but giving them the opportunity to partake in the divine influences through the company and medium of the men (the gods care for the men, and the men (should) care for the women). It could also be proven by the scientific dualism (with high probability) that the separation into female and male gender is in reality only a constraint dictated by the requirements of the biological reproduction mechanism, and that as the humanity develops and becomes qualified to build new organisms in artificial ways, this constraint could be invalidated, and the initial whole personality temporarily cut into two (not equal) halves would be united and merged again (and now forever).

Of course, the scientific dualism would also modify immensely the view we have on the individual personality and its source today. It could be proven that a personality is (almost) exclusively determined by social and other external factors, and those inborn characteristics and features, which presently we tend to see as manifestations of an unchangeable inner nature, would turn out to be the (internalized) habits of the earlier lives (and thus also social and cultural products). Only the most inner temperaments and forces of a person would count as part of his/her inherent character, but actually also these would be determined externally, since they would be the result of the genders' bisection (see above), and the other half of the separation would have the exact opposite personality structure with the complementary forces and temperaments. It would also be proven that, concerning the personal development, the hedonistic life style could be the most appropriate strategy, as long as it would be paired with sufficient amount of egoism and an almost rigorous reflectional and analytical attitude, since this method could ensure the fastest way to reach the level of the gods by trying out every other sources of the enjoyment, and ruling them out consecutively after getting disenchanted by them. (Obviously, this method would be much closer to the antique way of thinking (see e.g. the teaching of Diotima in Plato's Symposium), than to the Jewish-Protestant world view, which latter tries (and miserably fails) to reach the state of salvation by fulfilling scrupulously and punctiliously any obligations imposed by the religious, ethical and judicial rules and laws.)

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