Philosophy of History

Let's review briefly in this section, how could the discoveries of the scientific dualism influence our view about the rules and mechanisms behind the historical processes, and about the sense and aim of the human civilization. First, it seems obvious (at least from a scientifically dualistic aspect) that we should assume some kind of divine providence at the bottom of the occurrences, and that spiritual beings or gods continuously govern our fate and fortune (especially at the level of the historical developments). Apparently, they have primarily two means to reach their goals: 1. through sending the human spirits to the earth, i.e. by determining, exactly which soul will be attached to a certain fertilized ovum; 2. by constantly influencing the minds and thinking of the humans (supposedly through the quantum uncertainties of the mental processes). It also seems clear that there must be different levels of gods and divine wisdom, and we can assume that above the guardian angels for each human (who we tend to recognize as (personal) gods), much higher grades of actual gods exist, who are responsible for managing the various aspects of the civilization (scientific innovations, political decisions, economical processes, etc.). Of course, also the very abstract problems of the civilization government must be broken down to the level of the human minds somehow in order to drive the individuals, and the spiritual beings of the higher and lower levels must be in constant exchange to be able to translate the abstract ideas into concrete human actions. E.g., for the life of a person is basically its guardian angel responsible, but if this person comes to an important position (e.g. as a politician), then much higher gods start to influence it through its angel to have it make the right decisions in accordance with the divine intentions. Obviously, we can also assume that the humans are significantly weaker in their capabilities, than the higher spiritual beings (especially the real mighty gods behind the large civilization processes), and that any occurrence and performed action in our everyday life is eventually in complete conformance with the divine objectives (i.e. everything happens as it should).

But then (might someone ask) why are definitely there so many wrong things in our lives, and how could these difficulties be in accordance with the divine intentions? E.g., if an accident happens, where obviously completely unreasonably three members of a family die and one survives, should we really recognize this as a realization of some divine purpose that we are unable to understand? However, these and similar objections can be easily answered, as soon as we have acknowledged that different levels of gods exist, and that the beings on the upper levels do not care about the individual, personal issues. In the case of the accident, although it could be indeed possible, that the gods did have exactly this intent and arranged the occurrences that way to reach their aims, but it is much more probable, that the accident happened because of the inattention of the guardian angels (and of the humans), and the true gods did not intervene, because the life of this family and its members is presently irrelevant to them, as these members do (did) not play in their current place an important part in the historical processes. Let's also recognize, that from the aspect of the gods (and also of the intelligent persons) the real cruelty is to force the people to be born and not to let them die, and in the example above actually for the survival of one family member should the gods be called to account not for the death of the others. We should also notice, that the categories of the wrong and evil are relative ones, and as long as two situations can be distinguished by a person, one of them will surely be felt as worse than the other, and this person will most probably complain, why the gods permit this evil thing to happen (e.g. a dictator, who has literally everything, damns the fate, because he has to use his own hands to put the foods into his mouth, and suffers from this "cruelty" of the gods). It is completely impossible to construct a world, where there would be no pain, because for this all differences should have been eliminated; and also our everyday experience shows, that the better one is doing, the more is one prone to complain about the difficulties in its life. It also seems obvious that the actual problem with the accidents and any other wrong occurrences is not the happening itself (which can be even interesting or entertaining as a new experience), but the fact that it could have serious long-term consequences, which can influence permanently in a negative way the life of the humans suffering from them. We should however recognize, that this is the result of the material world being rigid, inflexible and able to conserve an impact for a long time (even for billions of years), and therefore we should not curse the gods because of this (which is not their fault, and who by the way suffer at least as much from the stubbornness of the humans (that are the materials from their viewpoint), as we do from the intransigence of the material realm), but instead should work together with them to render the human society as flexible and resilient as only possible within earthly circumstances. The gods' definite intention is to make our life divine and happy; but if they repeatedly intervened "personally" to protect us from the consequences of our unintelligence and obtuseness, then we would never learn how to construct and operate a truly godlike society, and they also would waste their protection without any persistent result.

But, if the gods can really influence our way of thinking, then why do not they motivate us to build more perfect societies and to transform our life style more divine? However, exactly this seems to be the sense of the human history, and, while at the personal levels we can indeed find many signs of imperfection, at the level of the civilization the occurrences certainly follow each other in a logical order, and obviously only our ignorance and inexperience makes us unable to recognize the divine plan behind the historical events and actions. E.g., in the rise and fall of the ancient Greeks and in the implosion of the Athenian democracy the materialist historians cannot recognize much sense, because it had apparently only a very limited effect on the later occurrences; but accepting the reincarnation as a confirmed (or at least possible) fact, this short episode in the history of the mankind could reveal itself as a very important school for those human souls, who had been born then and there, and we could draw a straight line from these decades through the Renaissance to the age of the Enlightenment and the Classicism, when these spirits revived and resurrected the classical humanity (at least to some extent) by remembering their personal experiences and their (meanwhile internalized) habits from that Hellenic era.

But (could someone ask) why had to collapse this Athenian democracy at all, and why let the gods the German tribes (or even motivated them to) eradicate (almost) the entire antique life style and civilization, why was the ancient humanity replaced by the primitive and barbaric Jewish-German "culture", why had the gods undone the effects of the Renaissance by inspiring Luther, Calvin and the others to the Protestantism, why let they the Enlightenment get ruined by the Jacobins, Napoleon and the German nationalists, why did they instigate the Germans to raid Europe twice in the 20th century, and so on: all this should be part of a "perfect divine plan", only we are too "ignorant" to understand the sense of these occurrences?

Well, actually yes, exactly this seems to be the case. Of course, it is almost hopeless to comprehend the divine plan behind the history entirely in its complexity and deepness, but these historical events could in fact all be placed as puzzle pieces in a large picture, and it is not really difficult to find that divine idea, which runs through all these seemingly unreasonable happenings as a red thread. Let's put ourselves in the gods' situation, and try to understand the fundamental problems concerning the human development. The mankind must rule the material world completely at the final perfect state, this can be taken for sure; and it is also certain, that for this it must learn the operation of the material domain at some point of its development. But if this step occurred too early, without previously having experienced the spirituality in a civilized and sophisticated form, than the humanity would not be able to find its way back from the matter to the gods, and it would sink into the mud of materialism (as the case of the USA evidently shows this menace). But then again, if this period of the civilized and intelligent spirituality lasted too long before the necessary descend into the mire, then the humans (especially the truly godlike, whose task it will be to lead back the civilization from the matter to the heaven) would come too close to the gods, and could not perform their duties afterwards because of their too refined nature. Therefore, the gods had to choose the solution, that from the start of the civilization to the ancient Greeks the spirituality became more and more sophisticated and civilized (this could be called the childhood of the mankind), then through the Jewish-German influences the civilization began its descend into the mud of materialism reaching its deepest point at the end of the 20th century with the triumph of the Jewish-Protestant natural sciences, big-city bourgeoisie and philistine barbarism (the adolescence of the mankind), and now, after having acquired the knowledge and capabilities to rule the material world, the humanity seems to begin finally its journey back to the gods, through the influences of those souls, who learned their lessons in the age of the Athenian democracy, the Renaissance and the Enlightenment (adulthood of the mankind).

With the help of this framework, we can now try to place the puzzle pieces in the big picture, and to find the sense of the various occurrences in the divine plan. The Athenian democracy and the antique civilization had to collapse, because their function was accomplished by teaching the humanity about the possibility of a sophisticated spirituality and by forming a protective layer around the human souls against the materialism of the successive centuries. The Jewish-German "culture" had to become prevalent in the past 2000 years, because its task was to conquer the material world and to enable the mankind to rule over the physical realm. The Renaissance and the Enlightenment (and for some souls the Islamic Golden Age before them) had the role of giving the individual spirits the possibility to remember their experiences in the antiquity and to revive the sophisticated spirituality (at least to some extent), but these movements had to terminate immediately after the lives of these souls, in order not to threaten the predominance of the Jewish-German materialism (which at first took the form of asceticism and puritanism before revealing itself as materialistic hedonism). And the Germans had to overrun Europe twice in the 20th century, and carry out the Holocaust, according to the divine plan, in order to bring the USA and the Jewish-American materialism into a dominant position, and to relocate the center of the capitalism and the natural sciences from Europe to North America, thus protecting the European culture from the disadvantageous effects of these.

Finally, how would the coming new age (or at least its advent) look like, and what occurrences does the divine plan hold for the (near) future? It seems obvious that the Jewish-Protestant materialism has already reached its zenith at the end of the 20th century, and it is now in a continuous decline; the question is, exactly how will the civilization find its way back to the gods, what kinds of impulses will motivate the mankind to overcome the materialism, and what will be that new world view, which could replace the Jewish-Protestant "culture"? The most probable (and most desirable) scenario could be the following: in the Catholic cultures of Europe (Hungary, Austria, Italy, Spain, France, the Slavic countries) an idealistic movement would start in the next decades, with the purpose of counterbalancing and defeating the materialism in a scientific and cultural way. With the help of this movement Europe (and particularly its Catholic part) would take back the intellectual leadership in the (Western) world, and a new scientific dualism, based on the idealistic interpretation of the quantum physics and the confirmation of the reincarnation, would render the current materialistic world view outworn and obsolete. An interesting question is, how would the Protestant and Jewish societies react to the irrevocable loss of their relevance, and whether they would be realist enough to accept at last their cultural inferiority (as e.g. the Romans did admit, after some struggle, the preeminence of the Greeks), or, instead of the Catholics and Protestants working together harmoniously (like in a good marriage) and sharing the tasks between each other (intellectual leading (social sciences) by the Catholics and materialistic production (natural sciences) by the Protestants), a cultural schism would threaten the Western world anew. Should the rationality and humanity eventually manage to win against the Protestant-Jewish disposition of materialism, barbarism and nationalism, then this could mean the advent of a Golden Age for the world, which would finally lead the ideals of the Athenian democracy, the Renaissance and the Enlightenment to triumph, would eliminate completely the nation-states and would unite the entire mankind in a cosmopolitan spiritualistic hedonism and intelligent socialism.

Next Topic: Evolution Theory