We are ready now to perform the same operations as in step 2, but this time on the cleaned-up layout, and in the hope of getting a more discernible picture at the end as a result. Let's start with the first duplication and rotation:

First duplication and rotation

Note: the animations were generated with the PalenqueAniGifMaker (Java) application, and optimized with Gifsicle (as you may have already noticed, the animations in the document are framed with a dotted border to distinguish them from the still images).

Then perform the second and the third rotations:

Second and third duplication and rotation

For checking purposes the three duplications and rotations in one animation, with the grid turned on:

Duplications and rotations with grid

Note: with the help of the PalenqueAnimation (Java) application you can follow the steps of the solution from any angle in 3D, at different speeds and with the grid turned on/off anytime during the animation.

And here we have, the final, much clearer picture after performing the rotations:

As we can see, the triplets inside indeed joined together to some extent, but the picture does not seem to be finished yet. In the next step we will try to find a way to make the pattern even more complete.

Continue to the next step